Angel Jewellery A Symbol of Serenity and Grace.
Angel Jewellery: A Symbol of Serenity and Grace Angel jewellery a symbol of serenity and grace has captivated the hearts of wearers across the globe with its profound symbolism and intricate designs. Representing an ethereal beauty, these pieces often evoke a sense of...
Connect With Archangel Michael
How To Connect with Archangel Michael If you are wondering how to connect with Archangel Michael, here are a few ways that I have been using for many years. I use a few basic concepts about Archangel Michael including his colour ray, his crystals, the planet he is...
How To Remember Your Divine Origin With Angel Jewelry
Angel Jewellery and how it helps us to remember our divine origins using the concept of Talismans as object which have a field of influence on us
What Happens When You Wear An Angel Pendant
Hello lovely Earth Angels. "My friend recently told me that wearing her Angel Pendant significantly lowered her anxiety level during turbulent times." Are you feeling challenged by the energies on our planet at the moment? No wonder you are. And a New Moon Solar...
Symbolic Angel Wings Necklace By Angel Jewelry
Symbolic Angel Wings Necklaces by Angel Jewellery The Symbolism of an Angel Wings Necklace There are few other symbols more indicative of divinity than that of wings, so if you find yourself attracted to wearing a piece of angel wings jewelry, it may be that you've...
The Power And Purpose Of Sacred Jewellery.
The Power and Purpose of Sacred Jewelry Spiritual, or sacred jewelry has its roots in ancient history. From Greek Goddesses being adorned with blue jasper necklaces to insure their entry the underworld safely, to every modern religion having some form of prayer...
7 Reasons You May Need Archangel Michael
How Archangel Michael Helps Us. The last year has been a challenging one for all of us, and as we continue to adapt and release the old ways of living, Archangel Michael serves as a beacon to guide our way. Our Archangel Michael Pendant collection embodies the...
Winter Solstice With Angels
Winter Solstice: A Spiritual Calling to Reconnect With Yourself The Winter solstice is Tuesday, December 21, 2021. On the darkest day of the year, we celebrate the rebirth of the Sun as it begins a new solar cycle. The Earth becomes still in winter, days are shorter,...
The New Archangel Michael Necklace
Sword & Stone In The New Archangel Michael Necklace I’ve added a subtle suggestion of a sword along with 4 amethyst crystals in my NEW version of the Archangel Michael Necklace. Not that I’m a fan of weaponry or anything like that, but more because of its...
6 Amazing Ways To Connect With Your Guardian Angel
How To Easily Connect With Your Guardian Angel Ask four people if they believe in angels' existence and what they think an angel is, and you will get four different answers. Some people believe that when we die, we will go to heaven to become angels ourselves if we...
How To Stay Grounded With The Help Of Angels
How To Stay Grounded With The Help Of Angels During Intense Times And Full Moons This will help you stay grounded with the help of Angels, especially when feelings become more intense around full moons, eclipses and strong planetary alignments. Times such as these can...