Angel Wings And Why We Love Them
Angel Wings And Why We Love Them Why are we so attracted to wing imagery, especially wing jewellery? Throughout history, wings have symbolized freedom, transcendence, and the human desire to soar beyond the mundane. The imagery...
The Proven Benefits of Wearing An Angel Pendant
The Benefits Of Wearing Your Angel Pendant Angels Are Part Of A Universal Language Of Love. Many people want to know about the benefits of wearing an angel pendant. The wearing of beautiful, holy objects such as Angel Pendants, items which have been created...
Angel Necklace For Motherhood, Celebrating And Nurturing.
Angel Jewelry. Connecting with love. My daughter`s baby girl has arrived (making me a granny for the 16th time). At only two weeks old she smiles, sleepily, now and again from her mother and father's arms, while we, her entourage, fuss quietly around the tender new...
The Ultimate Guide To Choosing Your Angel Pendant And Loving It
The Ultimate Guide To Choosing Your Angel Pendant Give yourself a little time choosing your Angel Pendant because when you decide which Angel is for you, you will begin to form a beautiful, supportive relationship with your Angel which will last a lifetime - you'll...
How Do You Know For Certain That Angels Are With You?
Cleansing Your Angel Pendant To Restore Power, Sparkle And Radiance.
Golden Rules For Cleansing Your Angel Pendant Cleansing your Angel Pendant can be achieved in several different ways and I will also let you into a little secret to keep your Angel looking its best. Your Angel Pendant is made of silver and silver is a versatile,...
Activate Your Angel Pendant So She Knows How To Help You
Why Activate Your Angel Pendant? Let me tell you why it's both fun and important to activate your Angel Pendant. There are hundreds of thousands of Angels to help us achieve anything and everything we could ever want. Remember, God gave every single one of his Angels...
How Your ArchAngel Necklace Works For Your Best Outcomes.
Evoking Archangels with an Archangel Necklace. Most of us learned at school that the world was made up of objects, planets, animals, plants, rocks down to the very basic atom. But science now reveals a completely different story, and there are other objects which it...
How Angel Pendants Remind Us of Our Divine Purpose Even if We’ve Forgotten.
Why we lose sight of our goals and how we re-establish them When you were a small child you may have had dreams of becoming an Astronaut, a Poet or a Ballerina, but you resigned yourself to becoming something that others told you was more “practical” and rather than...
Angel Pendants for Angelic Healing
Angel Pendants For Angelic Healing After all these years it's still my greatest pleasure to create for you the Angel Pendants for Angelic Healing with the help and inspiration from the Angels of course, - thank you Angels. And they say there are myriads of Angels so I...
23 Reasons To Believe In Yourself With The Angel Necklace For Self-Belief.
How Angels Help You To Believe In Yourself "We come spinning out of nothingness scattering stars like dust" ~ Rumi 23 Amazing Facts About You Deepak Chopra reminds us that an adult human body can think thoughts, and play a piano and digest food and kill germs and be...