How To Connect With Archangel Haniel

How To Connect With Archangel Haniel

Follow How to connect with Archangel Haniel Archangel Haniel is one of the seven Archangels in the Angelic Realm, also known as the Angel of Grace or the Angel of Love. The name Haniel means “glory of God” and is believed to be a feminine energy associated with the...
Connect With Archangel Michael

Connect With Archangel Michael

FollowFollow How To Connect with Archangel Michael If you are wondering how to connect with Archangel Michael, here are a few ways that I have been using for many years.  I use a few basic concepts about Archangel Michael including his colour ray, his crystals, the...
How To Remember Your Divine Origin With Angel Jewelry

How To Remember Your Divine Origin With Angel Jewelry

Jewelry that helps us to remember our Divine Origin Our health, and even the survival of our planet now depends on remembering our divine origin. Sadly, humans have lost touch with their beautiful, divine connection, and as a result are suffering all kinds of...
What Happens When You Wear An Angel Pendant

What Happens When You Wear An Angel Pendant

Hello lovely Earth Angels. “My friend recently told me that wearing her Angel Pendant significantly lowered her anxiety level during turbulent times.” Are you feeling challenged by the energies on our planet at the moment? No wonder you are. And a New Moon...
Symbolic Angel Wings Necklace By Angel Jewelry

Symbolic Angel Wings Necklace By Angel Jewelry

Symbolic Angel Wings Necklaces by Angel Jewellery The Symbolism of an Angel Wings Necklace There are few other symbols more indicative of divinity than that of wings, so if you find yourself attracted to wearing a piece of angel wings jewelry, it may be that...