Angel Jewellery
The Purpose of a Guardian Angel Necklace.
Welcome to Angel Jewellery, your essential, Spiritual Support Jewelry, & home to our handmade Angel Necklaces in Silver and Angelic Crystals.
Here you’ll find the perfect Angel Necklace to connect you and your loved ones. Choose the Healing, Guardian Angel Pendant Range, the Archangel Pendants or the Birthstone Angel Pendant Range.
See exquisite angel gifts such as our Fertility Angel, the Rose Quartz Angel and even Angel earrings. A host of heavenly Angels are here, from the Angel of Dance to the Peace Angel Necklace, Always stay connected to your Angels with Angel Jewellery.
~ Linda.
Angel Guidance & Advice
The New Archangel Michael Necklace
Sword & Stone In The New Archangel Michael Necklace I’ve added a subtle suggestion of a sword along with 4 amethyst crystals in my NEW version of the Archangel Michael Necklace. Not that I’m a fan of weaponry or anything like that, but more because of its...
6 Amazing Ways To Connect With Your Guardian Angel
How To Easily Connect With Your Guardian Angel Ask four people if they believe in angels' existence and what they think an angel is, and you will get four different answers. Some people believe that when we die, we will go to heaven to become angels ourselves if we...
How To Stay Grounded With The Help Of Angels
How To Stay Grounded With The Help Of Angels During Intense Times And Full Moons This will help you stay grounded with the help of Angels, especially when feelings become more intense around full moons, eclipses and strong planetary alignments. Times such as these can...
“The pieces I create combine angel images with the subtle energy frequencies of crystals and gemstones which work by themselves empowering the wearer to receive constant angelic support for their own personal intentions.”
Each angel is designed with a quality or emotion in mind, and is intended to watch over and guide you in any aspect of your life you desire to create or attract…