Building an angel altar to attract angels into your life.
Of course, you dont have to attract Angels into your life because they are already with you, but are you connecting with them frequently?
All you need to do is energetically acknowledge their presence, and they will immediately make themselves available to you.
Trouble is, I forget to ask.
My mind is a bit like a feather in the wind, easily distracted.
As soon as I wake up in the morning my thoughts drift towards the more demanding jobs of the day, and my energy very quickly gets highjacked, absorbed in a whirlwind of the “have to’s, got to’s and should do’s” of the day.
Hours might pass before I realise, before I remember to quiet my mind, calm the ego’s chatter and contact my angels.
The Solution To Keeping in Touch With Your Angels
I’ve found that building a pretty little angel alter somewhere in my home serves as a very effective, visual reminder for me.
As I walk past my alter it serves as a little spiritual poke – reminds me to stop, connect with spirit, connect to my angels, and ask for an abundance of higher, angelic vibrations to guide me through the day.
Lovely! Job done.
So, how to build an Angel Altar? What do you need?
Here are some ideas.
- Basically, anything you consider beautiful, angelic, and spiritual. My home is very small, so my angel altar has small things on it but if you have more space you can go as big as you like.
- I have a little porcelain vase I inherited from my mother in which I try to keep a live, fresh sprig of greenery, or a flower.
- Then I have photo’s of my children and grandchildren and a photo of myself as a two year old.
- A perfumed candle that I light every day for half an hour or so.
- An angel statue.
- A little golden buddha.
- My angel pendant.
- A circular, crochet mat to sit everything on.
- A deck of angel cards from which I pick one card each day.
- A bundle of white ceremonial sage.
- An incense holder with an incense stick.
- A selection of my favourite crystals.
Building an angel altar is just one of many ways to attract angels into your life
Here’s some more ideas to follow, that are guaranteed to expand your angel consciousness and fill your life with blessings from the angelic realms of love, light and spiritual guidance.
Here are some nice ideas about how to align with your divine purpose using lots of Angel Guidance.
Relax and enjoy.
Lots of love
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Words from Linda, about her Angel Jewellery.
All my necklaces are made with the most beautiful natural crystals and they have already helped thousands and thousands of people from all walks of life all over the world connect more fully with their Angels.
Many of the crystals are connection crystals and will help you to safely and confidently channel the Angel or Archangel you are working with for inspirational messages and healing.
I explain all about the crystals I have used in each necklace and the ways they are most likely to benefit you.
Each one has an energy that will empower you to develop your soul purpose and align with divine healing.
Check out these Angel and Archangel necklaces in the photos below – they are my most popular ones and are helping so many people, as you will read in the testimonials.