Angel Jewellery
The Purpose of a Guardian Angel Necklace.
Welcome to Angel Jewellery, your essential, Spiritual Support Jewelry, & home to our handmade Angel Necklaces in Silver and Angelic Crystals.
Here you’ll find the perfect Angel Necklace to connect you and your loved ones. Choose the Healing, Guardian Angel Pendant Range, the Archangel Pendants or the Birthstone Angel Pendant Range.
See exquisite angel gifts such as our Fertility Angel, the Rose Quartz Angel and even Angel earrings. A host of heavenly Angels are here, from the Angel of Dance to the Peace Angel Necklace, Always stay connected to your Angels with Angel Jewellery.
~ Linda.
Angel Guidance & Advice
Angel Love Meditation
"An Angel's job is to spread the Love. Angels come from the ultimate source of Love And Angels love you more than you know. Imagine having someone beside you whose sole purpose is to love you through every moment of your life" ~ Linda An Angel's love is Unconditional...
Intentional Jewellery.
An intention is a goal or a plan to which you direct your attention. I can say "I intend to create a beautiful garden" or "It is my intention to build a sustainable business". Equally I can say "I intend to overcome my addiction" or "my lack of confidence" So what...
Peace Angel Necklace
The majority of us want a peaceful life,'s evident by the thousands, even millions of organisations out there taking action for peace. A quick glance at the ones that made it into Wikipedia and we find; Peace Alliance, Peace Cafes, Granny Peace Brigade (I kid...
“The pieces I create combine angel images with the subtle energy frequencies of crystals and gemstones which work by themselves empowering the wearer to receive constant angelic support for their own personal intentions.”
Each angel is designed with a quality or emotion in mind, and is intended to watch over and guide you in any aspect of your life you desire to create or attract…