What Is An Angel
What Is An Angel
Angel Pendants. Archangel Pendants, from Angel Jewellery are stunning and powerful.
Angel Pendants and Archangel Pendants from Angel Jewellery's New Collection New from Angel Jewellery. These truly are spectacular pendants. I have been channeling some of the main Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. It has been a most wonderful...
Angel Pendants, Guardian Angel Pendants, Archangel Pendants.
Angel and Archangel Pendants, for you. This month I am happy to bring you the long awaited collection of Archangel Pendants. This is a project I have dreamed about for over a year now, and at last I can say I have completed my mission. With the help of my angel...
Angel Pendant. Silver and Gemstone Guardian Angel Pendant.
Stay attuned to your Guardian Angel. This most lovely and unique Guardian Angel Pendant is fashioned from pure silver, is entirely handmade, and comes in a wide variety of beautiful semi-precious gems and crystals…Amethyst, amber, citrine, peridot, baby blue topaz,...
Angel Jewellery. All for Love.
An amazing short story, by Eric Butterworth. A college professor had his sociology class go into the Baltimore slums to get case histories of 200 young boys. They were asked to write an evaluation of each boy's future. In every...
Angels of Love and Peace, Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year from Angel Jewellery.
For Love we are born. It is Love that sustains us. It is unto Love that we return. - Upanishads (Hindu Scriptures) To merely speak these words of love and peace requires little of us, but then to embrace this model as a way of behaving on a daily basis, is truly a...
Happy Christmas from Angel Jewellery
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you my friends, a very Happy and Merry Christmas, and to thank you also for your support throughout the year. During this past year I have moved back to my home land and my family after 10 years away, and...
The Healing Angels, divine handmade Angel Jewellery.
Health, the New Currency. According to the experts, emotional health is our passport to all round success. People with it live happier, healthier and longer lives than those without. No matter how successful we are, or how we shape up academically, a healthy head is...
Angel Jewellery, 1/2 Price Handmade Guardian Angel Pendants, Ear rings and Rings.
Celebrating Angel Jewellery`s first birthday. ! Hi and a great big thank you to all my customers and visitors to my site, during my first year. We are a small business, and we offer a service which in these days of mass production, is becoming increasingly difficult...
New from Angel Jewellery, Adorable Baby Angel Pendants, handmade for small people.
The Healing Angels, bringing their gifts of peace, joy, healing, protection, self-esteem, abundance, courage and love to all who wear them. Hallo Everyone I’m so happy to tell you that I now have The Baby Angels, in silver or gold, and carrying the healing gemstone of...
Guardian Angels,..50% off Silver & gemstone Angel Jewellery.
Guardian Angels When I wear my Angel Pendant I feel safe and protected.. I am reminded that my Angel’s energy is always with me, like a soft pearly blanket of love, gently surrounding me. (scroll down for 1/2 price Angel offer) I know the Angels are never far away,...