How To Stay Grounded With The Help Of Angels
How To Stay Grounded With The Help Of Angels During Intense Times And Full Moons This will help you stay grounded with the help of Angels, especially when feelings become more intense around full moons, eclipses and strong planetary alignments. Times such as these can...
Crystal and Silver Angel Pendants help create the life we want.
Crystal Quartz Angel Pendants help us know what we really want. Many wise and wonderful people have reminded me that in order to get what I want first I have to know what it is I want. If you are wishy-washy, unsure or feel undeserving of your desire, the strength of...
Silver Angel Jewellery Pendant. Clear Intentions and Dazzling Power.
Angel Pendant in Silver. Angel Jewelery. Angel of Clear Intentions. Dazzling Power. Getting clear on what we really want is the most important step we take in manifesting our dreams and intentions. "Ask and you shall receive" . Keeping our inner vision clear, like a...
Silver Archangel Gabriel Pendant. Angel Therapy. Angel Jewellery.
The Archangel Gabriel Pendant can help us to manifest Success! How much are we prepared to listen to our hearts and go with our innermost feelings?. How often are we able to trust the voices which speak to our heart and soul?. These messages from the Angels and...
Silver Angel Jewellery. New Angel Rings.
Angel Jewellery, new silver Angel Rings. These lovely silver Angel Rings from Angel Jewellery have been handcrafted using pure silver and real Topaz and Opal gemstones. Just like a dream, the Angel ring sits gently hugging your finger, guiding your creativity. Give...
Mother`s Day Silver Angel Pendants from Angel Jewellery. Discount offer.
If I had to choose a pendant for my beloved Mother from this beautiful collection of Angel Pendants it would be the Bridget Pendant. Sensitively set and positioned between silver wings, no less than 7 beautiful gemstones mingle to radiate the essence of Mother Love...
Silver Angel Pendants. Lapis Lazuli, the Angel of Friendship, Truth and Love.
Silver Angel Pendant with Lapis Lazuli. These stunning handmade Angel Pendants from Angel Jewellery are on the up and up in the world of Angel Therapy, Reiki and Angelic Healing ....going from success to success these unique Angel Pendants are now available in most...
Glorious Archangel Gabriel Pendant, with Love from Linda, Angel Jewellery.
I know you have been waiting and I have been promising, so it is with great pleasure that I present the long awaited Gabriel Pendant. 3"long and 2"wide, with 4 gloriously combined vibrations of Golden Topaz(Citrine),Warm Amber, Carnelian and Crystal Quartz. About €97....
Valentine`s Day Silver Angel Pendants in Amethyst, Ruby and Turquoise.
Silver Handmade Angel Pendants. Angel Gifts. With thirty one January days and nights behind us, we breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate the return of the light, in the stretching of the days, the nascent earth, and in the lovely Amethyst, birthstone for the star...
Angel Rings for your fingers
Angel Jewellery calling ALL my wonderful customers. Here are the pictures of my new Angel rings for you to see. The gemstones are white opal and topaz, a beautiful angelic combo of soft powder blues for a truly etherial connection. I have them in sizes 7,8,9 and 10....
Garnet Angel Pendant For January Birthday’s And What The Garnet Angel Does For You
Garnet Angel Pendant For January Birthdays Keywords for this Angel; Dedication Devotion Loyalty Commitment Faithfulness Fidelity Adherence. The Garnet Angel Pendant is a special gift which unites the magnificent energy of the Angel of Love and Devotion with the...