Archangel Michael Necklace

Archangel Michael, Prince of Angels

Archangel Michael is associated with Halloween, which makes it the perfect time to connect with your Archangel Michael pendant. This month the winner of the Archangel Pendant is Jessica from Irvington, New York, I’m so excited to be sending an Angel to New York.

The History of Archangel Michael

Michael’s history takes us back to the book of Daniel, (written in the 2nd century BC), where he is described as a great prince who stands guard and defends his people. Several hundred years later, (3rd and 4th centuries BC), Michael leads God’s armies in the War of Heaven, defeating the enemy.

Michael As Spiritual Warrior.

In later teachings the Archangel is sometimes referred to as Saint Michael. He becomes our angelic mentor to assist us on the path of the spiritual warrior. The conflict against evil is metaphorically understood as the inner battle.

I particularly appreciate him in this aspect and I believe we can avail of great assistance and courage if we ask him to stand with us while facing our own, personal battles, whatever they may be.

Archangel Michael and Halloween

In yet another aspect Michael is depicted as the angel who protects departing souls, carrying the souls of all the deceased to heaven. In this role Michael is said to give each soul a final chance to recognise it’s true divinity.
Apart from his being a patron of spiritual warriors, the sick and the suffering also consider Archangel Michael their patron saint as do mariners, and all those whose work is on water.

Archangel Michael. Patron of Many Countries

You may have noticed too, in many countries there are mountains under the patronage of the Archangel, and the vast number of chapels and churches dedicated to St. Michael around the world are estimated to be more than 20 million!  

Historians tell us that outside the ancient city of Constantinople stood a magnificent church, the Michaelion, known for its curative waters and healing legends.. Founded by Constantine the Great in the 4th century, the architecture of the sanctuary was so magnificent that many other churches were modelled on it. It was there that Constantine reported a vision of Archangel Michael.

There are so many more stories to tell about Archangel Michael and if you look though the posts on this site you’ll find some that might be of interest to you below.

Sending you much love and remembering the connectedness of all beings,

Linda. xx


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