Don’t fall out with yourself. Let Your Light Shine

Believe in yourself and let your light shine. You are your greatest disciple, your most dedicated follower, your most devoted fan! You can wake up to your own power and light, and build up your self belief now.

Stop being a slave to your negative thoughts and conditioning. Learn the secrets of real self belief. Learn how to change your day from a fear based one to a day filled with light, and love, and productivity.

Understand that no-one is perfect or had the perfect start in life.

angel pendants for self beliefOther people can bring us down, I know –  but don’t waste time feeling sore when you’re affected by negative, hurtful people. It’s often not their fault that they are the way they are.

They learnt it from their parents/environment, who learnt it from their parents/environment and so on. Most of us become who (or what) we are most influenced by, but we can wake up and change our negative programming.

Remember, unpleasant people are probably suffering more than you, and haven’t had the opportuninty for self relection and growth that you have.

And after all, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

It remains the undisputed fact in psychology today that between birth and 5 years old we are like little sponges, soaking up everything that the people around us do and say. We have no concept of right or wrong as small children and since we depend on these people for our very life we believe that what they say and do is correct.

That’s it, in a nutshell, and unless you make a conscious effort, a decision to change any negative beliefs you’ve absorbed about yourself, those crazy, negative beliefs will literally dominate your thoughts, going round and round consistently in your mind and push away the beautiful, creative, talented person you really are.

Believe In Yourself & Empower Others Self-Belief

Angel necklace for self-confidenceIf you haven’t made a conscious effort to change the way you think about yourself up till now, I urge you to start, because you’re thoughts and beliefs are not yours at all. They’re simply what others thought and believed and passed on to you.

Ask yourself; do I want to let this old way of thinking, these painful beliefs to continue to have power over my life in this particular way until I die? Or do I want to think for myself, believe in my light and my divine self and give the power back to me, who it belongs to in reality?

A positive start in life helps everyone to develop to their fullest and is critical for the advancement of an entire society. But if you’re still suffering from negative, fear based thoughts its time to learn how to change all that, for you and for the people around you.

Remember, the more love and light you shine into the world the more the world will refect it back to you and eventually change. Your light is incredibly important.

Be the change now.

angel necklace for self-confidenceBy the time we begin to notice these limiting beliefs about ourselves we are already deeply programmed and headed on a downward spiral.

Limiting beliefs about ourselves can result in low self-esteem, physical problems, eating disorders, under earning, addiction, under achieving, anxiety, anger, depression and many more symptoms of an unsatisfying life. Just think how many people suffer from these things!

And just think how you can affect the world by changing your own thinking and your own beliefs. Be the light by shining your light and your love into the darkness. You will greatly improve your own life for certain but by doing that you will change and brighten the life of all the people you come in contact with.

This is the power you posess, we posess as human beings. We can create peace and it starts with ourselves, by changing our own nature, our own thoughts, by empowering ourselves to be beacons of love, and light, and peace, and fun, and happiness.

Much love from


No two leaves are alike and yet there is no antagonism between them or between the branches on which they grow. ~ Gandhi.