mary queen of angels pendant

 Queen of Angels Pendant

Visualise, for a moment, this women.
A woman who honours the principles of harmony and nurture.
A woman who commands peace and unity within her environment. Who comforts the lonely, re-builds the defeated and stands for the oppressed and disadvantaged. A woman who, in spite of prejudice and opposition, prevails over insurmountable odds to honour the calling of her soul.

Much of Mary’s work has to do with water, such as the healing waters at Lourdes, but millions of other sanctuaries to Mary’s healing waters are found throughout the world, such as the Chapel of Grace in Altötting, Germany, the shrine of Our Lady of Guadelupe in Mexico City, Our Lady’s Well in Preston UK and The Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń, Poland.

When the Mother/Child relationship goes wrong, we may attempt to gain love, comfort or validation in a myriad of different ways. We may “give” too much, not from joyful giving, but for self validation.
A life of looking outside ourself for love makes us vulnerable. 

We do not feel worthy in our own right. We have not learned, in our primary years how to be grounded in “self”
We often carry guilt about how we parented our own children as well.
Mary Queen of Angel’s qualities include radical compassion for self, and healing grace.

The beautiful gemstone in Mary’s necklace is cornflower blue. Blue is the colour of the throat chakra, the teacher, the public speaker. It is the colour of spirit, devotion and religious study. Blue is for heaven, for the sky, the oceans, rivers and water in general. Blue is the helper, the rescuer, the friend in need. Blue is a safe and comforting colour.

Women who have embodied the Mary principles of nurture and harmony.

  • Bernadette of Lourdes Her visions of Mary led to a chapel being built at the cave-grotto at Lourdes, which went on to become a major pilgrimage site, attracting over five million pilgrims of all denominations each year.
  • Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845) set up charities for the homeless and campaigned for better condition in prisons.
  • Malala Yousafzai (1997 ) – Pakistani schoolgirl who defied threats of the Taliban to campaign for the right to education
  • Florence Nightingale went to the Crimea to serve in hospitals where nurses were given little respect or priority.
  • Rosa Parks. (1913 – 2005) made a stand and refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. Her brave action sparked a widespread boycott of buses in Montgomery, Alabama.
  • Joan Of Arc after visions of Archangel Michael led the Kings armies to recover France from English domination late in the Hundred Years’ War.
  • Mother Teresa considered one of the greatest humanitarians of the 20th century.

Dear friends, my hope is that in creating this pendant, the spirit of Mary Queen of Angels is more available to you, and that in wearing it you experience a constant, strong and inspired connection to woman’s intrinsic nature of nurture and protection.
Love from
Linda Angelina

P.S.  Deep in the soul of each one of us, male and female alike, is a longing to co-create a world of balance; balance between thepower of love, and the love of power.

Angels are unifying. Pick any culture in the world and it’ll teach you about Angels, so guess what – we are all talking about the same thing, love, light, peace, comfort and connection.

Acknowledging our deep, intuitive nature takes us into the realm of angels, and to the heart of all beings, all angels and their Queen.

So much girl talk these days revolves around education, and the liberation of women from cultural and domestic expectations that it is easy to forget our ancient role-models who were the torch bearers for women`s empowerment long, long ago.

From the succession of Goddesses and female deities throughout time, the one who has survived into modern day as the epitome of womanhood, motherhood and femininity is Mary Queen of Heaven, and Queen of the Angels.

When I asked for inspiration about how to make this pendant, a vision of Mary Queen of Angels filled my mind with a palette of softly angelic shades of cornflower blue.

All these magnificent gemstones are to be held between wings of silver, adorned with roses and pearls.

Love and Angelic Blessings
