The Love Angel Pendants help us to live and manifest in the spirit of Love.

“What I hope to accomplish with the creation of my Angel pendants, and through working with the Angels and the crystals, is a talisman or physical resource, for those of us who are committed to develop a relationship with the higher energies at play within ourselves and in the world in which we live”.  Linda.

Every single thought in our  human mind sends out an electro-magnetic wave from the base of our heart that has a measurable effect upon the world in which we live. The human heart is now documented as being the strongest generator of both the electrical and magnetic fields in the body. It was once believed that the brain was where the action happened, and this is true, the brain has an electrical and a magnetic field, but they are relatively weak compared to those of the heart. The heart is stronger, about 100 times stronger electrically, and 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain.
This is possibly the most important fact available to us,  because the world as we know it is made up of these 2 fields of energy, electro and magnetic, and physics now tells us that if we can change either the magnetic field of an atom or the electrical field, we literally change the stuff that our bodies and this world are made of.
Our world actually changes in response to the emotions that we create between our heart and our brain.

The Love Angel Pendant helps us to live in the spirit of Love.

The  Angel Jewellery I make is dedicated to awareness, and healing of our Spirit.  It is designed to facilitate transformational work on areas where we unconsciously or consciously block love and joy and the experience of all we deserve in our lives.

Love Angel Pendant Necklace Rose Quartz.


“For it is only when our hearts are broken we see beyond all doubt what power there is in Love”

Pendant size. 3.5 x 4.5 cm.


Price incuding shipping

The Love Crystals, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Garnet and Peridot work with the heart chakra to strengthen our commitment to the energies of  fertility, creativity, peace, love, abundance and forgiveness.
Big Angel Blessings