On the Silver Wings of Angels.

Like the silver wings of angels I love the people in my life because they inspire me and encourage me. Without them life would lose half it’s meaning at least. I love the way these people are in my life and share their friendship. I am grateful to them, because their triumphs, their trials and their wisdom are my inspiration. These are my Angels, my Angels with wings.

Just as the butterfly is a symbol of change, so for me Angels truly are my source of inspiration. Their presence in my life reminds me of my connection to the everlasting, to the divine.  Angel wings are symbols of unfailing support and divine energy. To have wings is to have perseverance, dedication and freedom to thrive and shine. Wings carry us when we can’t carry ourselves. With wings we rise upwards and onwards, when we need comfort they enfold us, and when we spread them out our wingspan is the exact extent of our aspirations and goals. Wings move us, transform us.

“I am awesome” they say “I am not a quitter”

If i were an artist and could paint an Angel, the face would carry the lines and furrows of wisdom, the body, shaped by struggles and triumphs, but the wings, ..the wings would be perfect,  and strong, and golden, and unfailing, because wings are made with the energy of hope and love and god,  and these things are eternal.

To have silver wings means I aspire to my higher self. With wings I am more, I can glide and fly.  

A big thank you to all. To my Angels, who help me to find my wings, and to my friends who inspire me to use them.

Love and blessings, and wings,
