connect with archangel raphael

 How To Connect With Archangel Raphael

Connect with Archangel Raphael with this short prayer and feel the peaceful flow of his healing energy for your own healing and for others you know who are suffering.

I’ve always been Anti Antibiotics.

I’ve been immersed in the wonderful world of herbs and their healing properties all my life, and my dear children will testify to this fact by sometimes reminding me of the odd looking concoctions I’d blend from flowers and herbs to heal their cuts, bruises and stings when they were little, not to mention the sometimes bitter tasting brews I gave them to ease colds and sore throats and minor ailments. Even back then I was very anti Antibiotics!

Natural healing and natural wellness have always been a passion of  mine, and I’ve spent many an evening pouring over Culpepper’s Herbal, or Homeopathy books, or experimenting with Bach flower remedies and the like, to gain a deeper understanding of how to keep our bodies healthy and nourished from the inside out.

Wherever I go my attention is always drawn to the many wild herbs, flowers and trees that I find growing around me. It’s such a joy to discover their healing properties and how they can be used for our benefit. You can tap into the wisdom of all the great healers with Archangel Raphael and learn that our wonderful mother earth provides everything we could possible need for health and healing.

Connect with Archangel Raphael to achieve optimum health.

I believe our bodies are capable of optimum health if we treat them right, and much sickness can be avoided by the right choice of medicine, nutrition and lifestyle. I believe our bodies want to be healthy and will tell us quite clearly what they like and don’t like if we listen to their messages, and with a little participation we can learn how to achieve a reasonably healthy and long life. It certainly has to be one of our most important goals.

Its amazing how quickly our bodies respond to a bit of TLC.

We are told that Archangel Raphael is the greatest teacher of the healing arts and of self care because he comes to us with this divine knowledge from the creator. He has shown me that loving ourselves is so important; ..that we come from God and that our physical bodies are still closely linked to the divine power in the universe.

connect with archangel Raphael

This is a powerful necklace to wear for healers, carers, those in the nursing professions, or therapists. We have found that through our prayers and meditations Archangel Raphael’s healing extends to and includes emotional healing, and especially those emotional wounds connected to sexual trauma.

Come and feel the effects these beautiful, healing gemstones have on your aura.

To honour ourselves with adequate self care is an act of reverence, gratitude and humility.



Anyway I think you will like this short prayer to Archangel Raphael. Listen to my version, then you can add any specific health issue that you are having at this time.

Make it your own and feel the healing within you.

Lots of love
