archangel uriel necklace for healing

The Archangel Uriel Necklace for Healing Body and Mind

Are you ringing in the New Year with promises of new beginnings, fresh starts, reaffirming love and commitments to a brighter future? Yes of course!

I know how it is. We want to heal the world and make stronger connections with Spirit and the ArchAngels

Pippa, my dear soul sister hold’s a Party/Ceremony each New Year and as well as cooking a truly gastronomic feast for her guests she archangel uriel necklace silver builds a cracking bonfire, and even in the depth of our freezing winter we gather by the fire to swap stories about the old and the new and of course, to eat.

As the fire burns, Pippa reminds us to throw (metaphorically) our resentments, and the habits we want to lose into the flames, to be consumed, transformed and purified by Archangel Uriel. 

And as the bonfire dies down we go inside and choose Angel Cards. We invite the beautiful, boundless Angelic love to guide us through the New Year, and ask for healing of the body and healing of the mind and healing for the earth.


And then we rejoice and say our thank you’s amid lots of laughter and hugs and sometimes tears. 


Pippa says the promises we make to ourselves to get in shape, lose weight and make changes in our career paths are all great on the day but when it comes to commitment, we often fall short of the mark.


So I showed her my Archangel UrieI necklace with his 13 powerful gemstones and explained how he helps us to stay true to our commitments and the things we are passionate about.

  • Relationships
  • Resolutions and commitments
  • Connection to Spirit
  • Wisdom, epiphanies and insights.


Whenever you feel like giving up on your commitments, ask Uriel to help you.

Archangel Uriel necklace for healing“Archangel Uriel please hear my request and take away my procrastination and doubt.  Please surround me in your vital, healing energy so that I may have more enthusiasm and strength to follow my resolutions and commitments.”

Just a little reminder to always thank Archangel Uriel for his assistance!

Of course, Pippa wanted to purchase one of my Archangel Uriel Pendants right away, so she would stay true to her New Year resolution to give up sugar. She also made a commitment to further her career by opening the Dance Studio she’s been talking about for years, (she’s a trained ballet dancer you see).

So Pippa and my lovely handmade Archangel Uriel necklace are inseparable now, and they have great plans with a great chance of success for the new year.

By the way, I gave Pippa a family discount on her Archangel Uriel Necklace, and I often do great sales for you, my Angel family, so do register to receive notice of when these discounts happen.

There really is no need to fear failure anymore. When you have the right determination and resolve there is nothing you cannot achieve, and with Archangel Uriel to call upon for assistance you can look forward to success in this wonderful New Year. Just say his name and ask for his help.

Your angel guide

