Darkness and Light. Angel Jewellery

darkness and light





The Balance…

Something happened with me recently which I feel is going to set the tone for the year ahead and hopefully open up my life in new and exciting ways. On the surface it wasn’t a hugely terrible situation, more like an uncomfortable emotional experience, yet, as it played out, my deepest darkest fears were triggered way out of proportion to the incident, and I was swept away with emotions which had the power to either kill me, or offer me the potential for great change and growth.

Every cloud has a silver lining and I have to say I am truly grateful for this amazing experience, horrible as it was, because I vowed there and then to change the way I live in my world and among the people in it.

You could say I had a spiritual awakening, but I see it more like a ‘spatial realisation’ due to the fact that I’ve gained from it a brand new perspective of my own potential and my power in my world.

These days we all know about the law of attraction, and how we can actually influence to a large extent our own unique experiences of our world by how we respond emotionally. This is old now and certainly true, but how many of us actually realise what this ultimately means to us and what responsibility and personal power this knowledge gives us?

Well, if we look at how our brains work and what neuroscience now tells us, this seems to be pretty much true. Our thoughts, feelings and actions are merely habits with which we are programmed, through repetition, over a period of time; sometimes a long time as in religious and cultural habits, or a short time as in the loss of self-confidence due to frightening experiences in childhood. The very best news is that we can change these neurological habits, and we don’t have to keep repeating painful, destructive and unhealthy emotional responses.

This is what my experience at Christmas taught me in a big way. I am responsible for me, emotionally, and every other way as well. I am guilty in every way if you like, of causing the experiences I have.

But if I have the courage be true to myself, and have a little faith I can learn to take care of my own emotions, and heal my own wounds without blaming them on something else, or playing ‘poor me’ or shaming someone.

Instead, I can learn, from past experience, not to go where hurt and danger lurk, and I can fill myself with love so I am not depending on anyone else for how great I feel. My self-worth does not require that you like me, talk to me, approve of me, or agree with me; I can, and I will be my own source of love and I can share my love with you, not steal it, demand it or lay conditions upon it.

It is called emotional freedom. We are full of light and love and creativity; its about taking responsibility for our greatness, not our smallness, and it feels good, feels like we’re growing up. After all, we are not babies anymore, making a scene when we don’t get the right attention.


“With life as short as a half taken breath, don’t plant anything but love.”

― Rumi