Golden, Illuminating Light of Archangel Gabriel.Do you ever wonder if you are really connecting with your Angels? Is there a little seed of doubt that stops you from hearing their messages? Have you tried the meditation Angels? Learn How To Identify Messages From Our AngelsAnnoying as it may seem I still fail to listen to the voices of my Angels sometimes. Yesterday for instance, as I was driving home, I was drawn to a song on the radio about phoning the people we love more often; the melody and the lyrics stuck in my head for hours. Luckily I took the hint!Now, I’m not the best person at keeping in touch but luckily I heard the message and decided to phone one of my dearest friends who lives in the Maldives. Turns out she’s been desperately trying to get in touch with me because she’s on tour in the UK and really wants to visit me!! I was so delighted. Gabriel Meditation and the meditation AngelsThat morning I meditated wearing my Archangel Gabriel Necklace, I always feel a stronger connection and a “knowing” with it on and I “feel” my angel’s messages more clearly. Archangel Gabriel is known for bringing us sudden flashes of intuition, illuminated moments of realisation and crystal clear problem solving solutions. The information just pours in when I connect with this great, golden Angel. Gabriel is one of the best meditation Angels. Learning how recognise Angel messages.If we have been doubting ourselves and our angel’s messages we need to learn how to turn up the volume and really pay attention. Their quiet, gentle voices will not intrude, so its up to us to give them permission to connect with us. Here’s how;
Here’s some more great ideas on how to connect with meditation angels. Why Not Listen To My Archangel Gabriel Prayer.Listen to The Gabriel Prayer Here“Archangel Gabriel. Please surround me in your Golden Light. Illuminate my path so I may see solutions to situations which are baffling me (name the situation). Lead me to the right information I need. Help me to make decisions in light and love.. Take away any seeds of doubt I may experience about my ability to connect with you and receive your messages. Let me remember we all have a connection to a source of Divine Knowledge which is always available to us and always there when we listen with a pure mind and heart. Purify my mind and heart and make me ready for your guidance, thank you”.
Lots of LoveLindaPS. If you are having doubts, it’s only natural for you to question your abilities. We have been told angels aren’t real, but how many times have you ignored those tiny little flashes of inspiration and intuition. e.g… you see your umbrella as you leave the house but carry on without it and it BUCKETS DOWN on your way home!? get an impulse to change lanes just before you notice a massive truck has BROKEN DOWN in the lane you were in.
Wearing the Archangel Gabriel Necklace you will quickly learn how to recognise and take more notice of messages from your angels.Wear the Archangel Gabriel Pendant for help with angel messages, and to learn the truth in all situations. Archangel Gabriel is one of the meditation Angels. Pendant size is 7cm x 5cm and is handcrafted in silver.