bespoke angel jewellery

At Angel Jewellery We Appreciate The Value Of Handcrafted Jewellery.

At Angel Jewellery we appreciate the value of handcrafted jewellery not just for its aesthetic appeal but also for its cultural relevance and the support it gives to the communities we work with. There is a direct flow of money from the purchaser to the maker, which guarantees a fair and living wage to our artisans in disadvantaged communities where they would otherwise have little or no chance of employment. The money received for an artisan who makes a piece of angel jewelry makes an enormous difference in enhancing the quality of their lives and gives them the ability to buy necessary groceries, school supplies, and medical necessities. We also acknowledge the perception of value in the final product which is a tangible demonstration of their skill, vision, and human touch in the pieces.

Angel Jewellery’s Vision Of A Connected World

Over the years collaboration with small workshops demonstrates the value of handcrafted jewellery in two respects: the perceived value, and value appreciation by our customers that extends to the craftsmanship by people from social and economically different communities. The reasons why the value of handcrafted jewellery is high rests in the fact that it is creating a direct link to the producer allowing for the creation of a unique piece. Every design in our collection of angel pendants illustrate how professional crafters combine aspects of their culture such as the beauty of their traditional and historical artwork, and the use of their skills to interpret customers requests as they produce a piece of angel jewellery. In this way we can help to co-create and strengthen the linkage between a diverse artist and our customers, and we end with a truly ethical purpose for our angel jewellery, forging a relationship between our wonderful artists and the rest of the world.

Angel Jewellery Choosing To Work With Women

At Angel Jewellery we are striving to address the social and economic disadvantages of women across the world in some significant way. We have made our angel pendants with small family businesses, and we have made a real effort to work with women. As we go about our lives here, it’s easy to forget that in many places women and young girls are denied educational opportunities, proper healthcare, and are even deprived of their rights to decision making for themselves and their families.. Their exclusion furthers gender inequality. It has always been our hope that in some way angel jewellery is helping women in this respect.

Among the many determinants of gender inequality though, jewellery is an area where women are finding their place. Handcrafted jewellery is an area where they can combine the traditional techniques of their craft with innovative and modern designs. It is up to us to ensure their skills are rewarded with a living wage; one with which they can achieve a dignified lifestyle for their families.

Handcrafted jewelry by craft artists residing and working in distant and remote areas of the world must be encouraged. It is an empowering mechanism that creates social and economic influence helping both the maker and the customer.