Angel Jewellery. Meditation.

The Amethyst Angel

The Amethyst Angel Pendant calms the incessant babbling inside our mind, aiding meditation, quietude and serenity.

Amethyst Angel Pendant Silver Meditation DE-Stress

—–“As meditation deepens, compulsions, cravings and fits of emotion begin to lose their power to dictate our behavior. We see clearly that choices are possible; we can say yes or we can say no. It is profoundly liberating.” Eknath Easwaran

As I try to make my daily (well almost daily) practice of meditation a regular feature in my life, the benefits are already quite evident. I find that my babbling mind, the part which runs away with my serenity and feeds my fear, is loosing its position as director of the show. I see two minds, the babbling one, and the “one who sees” the babbling one. This is truly awesome, profoundly liberating as Eknath Easwaran says, because now I know I really do have a choice, in almost everything I think and do. Wow, !.

Angel Jewellery. Gratitude.

When I find myself feeling sorry for myself, resenting or finding fault with someone and being judgemental, I try to switch my thinking into gratitude. I try to bring my consciousness back to myself and all the good that surround me right now. This takes me to an empowered place, rather than into the victim place, that takes away my power and can leave me vulnerable. The turquoise Angel pendant protects against negative thinking. Angel Jewellery says; Angels are with you right now.

Gold Angel Pendant angel jewellery

Turquoise Angel Pendant.

That’s how it is. Whenever I think of them they show up.