“An Angel’s job is to spread the Love.
Angels come from the ultimate source of Love
And Angels love you more than you know.
Imagine having someone beside you
whose sole purpose is to love you
through every moment of your life” ~ Linda
An Angel’s love is Unconditional
Imagine a person who knows you completely and loves you completely with a love you can really feel in your heart. This person knows your past in every detail. They know your loves, your desires, your secrets, in fact they know everything there is to know about you, past or present and they totally and completely love you with absolutely no conditions attached – ever.
Angel love has no End
Not only do they love you, they know you deeply. They know everything you’ve done, they know all the pain you’ve been through, every hurtful thing that’s happened, every joy, every accomplishment, every illness, and all they can do is love you, in fact it’s impossible for them NOT to love you because they are absolutely incapable of anything else but love for you.
Angel love is Constant
This person sees all of you. They know your strengths and where you shine, they know your struggles and where you are weak: they just simply love, love, love all and every aspect of you, even the bits you find it hard to love about yourself.
Angel love is Everywhere
You don’t have to do anything, or be any particular way. You don’t have to gain their love, you don’t have to ask for their love, their love just IS. it’s always there like a warm blanket, it’s always been there even if you haven’t noticed it, and there is nothing you could do, or say that would change it. You cannot lose this love, or break this love and there is no end to this love.
This is how your Angel Loves YOU
On your site i see an angel ring with blue stones on it, but i cant get to it. Your site only lets me see 2 different rings and thats it how do i see your whole collection