Angel Jewellery. The Dancing Angel.

Dance is so much more than music and steps – its major contributions to our wellbeing can be seen by the important part it has played in ceremony, rituals and celebrations from the earliest of human civilisations, in fact Archeology actually delivers traces of dance from as far back as prehistoric times.

Angel pendant dance necklace

The dance of life Pendant.
One of the earliest structured uses of dances may have been in the performance and in the telling of myths. Before the use of written languages, dance was one of the methods of passing these stories down from generation to generation.
Another early use of dance may have been as a precursor to ecstatic trance states in healing rituals.
For many people nowadays the desire to dance can be a way of self expression, and a way to release, or express feelings and emotions, instead of getting ‘stuck’ in them.
I have made the Dancing Angel Pendant for all of us whose passion is to dance, in all, and in any of its varied forms, and whether you are a professional dancer, or interested in dance as pure recreation, I believe the purpose of dance is to unite;  to bring our subtle energies into harmony and rhythm with one another; a way to celebrate life.
Rumi quote. ..“Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.”

Love, as always, Linda.

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