Archangel Raphael Pendant, by Angel Jewelry.

Archangel Raphael Pendant, Angel Jewellery

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Archangel Raphael teaches us that mind and body are not two separate things. Perfect health is achieved when mind and body are in harmony. When the heart is completely filled with love a person will never be ill, but when a person is consistently unhappy, fearful, angry, jealous or consumed with negative feelings the body over time becomes weaker and weaker and eventually succumbs to illness.  This is why Archangel Raphael asks us to pay attention not just to our physical health but also to our thoughts, keeping love our primary motive.

Archangel Raphael gave the knowledge of  herbs to Moses so he could cure all ills.

Archangel Raphael affirmation:   “I heal myself  through the power of divine Love”

Big Love always,

