The Amethyst Angel

The Amethyst Angel Pendant calms the incessant babbling inside our mind, aiding meditation, quietude and serenity.

Amethyst Angel Pendant Silver Meditation DE-Stress

—–“As meditation deepens, compulsions, cravings and fits of emotion begin to lose their power to dictate our behavior. We see clearly that choices are possible; we can say yes or we can say no. It is profoundly liberating.” Eknath Easwaran

As I try to make my daily (well almost daily) practice of meditation a regular feature in my life, the benefits are already quite evident. I find that my babbling mind, the part which runs away with my serenity and feeds my fear, is loosing its position as director of the show. I see two minds, the babbling one, and the “one who sees” the babbling one. This is truly awesome, profoundly liberating as Eknath Easwaran says, because now I know I really do have a choice, in almost everything I think and do. Wow, !.