Angel Jewellery. Goals and Intentions.

When i was a young girl my passion was to become an actress. I studied and gained much experience in this field at an early age, but a life on the stage was not what my father had in mind for his only daughter, and, even though I had won a place in a very prestigious English drama school, his disapproval of my chosen career left me without the support I needed to study.

Since then, my passion, of course, has been my beautiful family, and I now spend a good deal of my time with my grandchildren too, but more and more my attention is being focused on womens issues, and the inhuman discrimination they still suffer all over the world.

In this respect, Angel Jewellery, my jewellery company, has a goal. My wish is that,  with my Angel pendants, I can raise money for charities which support women and children to be protected against gender based violence and discrimination, and to be educated. I am passionate about this and I know the Angels are supporting me.

Take a look at these frightening statistics, then let me know if you will join me, to make a difference

    The Facts….

  • Women perform 66% of the world’s work, but receive only 11% of the world’s income, and own only 1% of the world’s land.
  • Women make up 66% of the world’s illiterate adults.
  • Women head 83% of single-parent families. The number of families nurtured by women alone doubled from 1970 to 1995 (from 5.6 million to 12.2 million).
  • Women account for 55% of all college students, but even when women have equal years of education it does not translate into economic opportunities or political power.
  • There are six million more women than men in the world.
  • Two-thirds of the world’s children who receive less than four years of education are girls. Girls represent nearly 60% of the children not in school.
  • Parents in countries such as China and India sometimes use sex determination tests to find out if their fetus is a girl. Of 8,000 fetuses aborted at a Bombay clinic, 7,999 were female.
  • Wars today affect civilians most, since they are civil wars, guerrilla actions and ethnic disputes over territory or government. 3 out of 4 fatalities of war are women and children.
  • Rape is consciously used as a tool of genocide and weapon of war. Tens of thousands of women and girls have been subjected to rape and other sexual violence since the crisis erupted in Darfur in 2003. There is no evidence of anyone being convicted in Darfur for these atrocities.
  • About 75% of the refugees and internally displaced in the world are women who have lost their families and their homes.
  • Gender-based violence kills one in three women across the world and is the biggest cause of injury and death to women worldwide, causing more deaths and disability among women aged 15 to 44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accident, and war.

Amnesty International
US Census Bureau
Women’s Learning Partnership

Remembering the connectedness of all beings.
