Angel Jewellery. Daphne the Water Angel.
I suppose it is no big surprise that I keep on seeing Angels everywhere these days. Especially now that I am busy working on the new collection. It’s the same if i spend all day working in my beloved flower garden and dream all night of flowers. Not a bad complaint i suppose. After all, energy flows where energy goes.
When i was in London recently with my daughters we walked through the old cemetery in Stoke Newington, and there were Angels everywhere!. And now here I am surrounded by angels again. I see Angel wings in the clouds, in the sand, in a beam of light, and even in friends faces. Well, maybe I have a small obsession going on. It’s a nice one though. I’ve had worse!
This is a little Angel we found in a pond. I called her Daphne the Water Angel..
Water, in all it’s forms, is so important to human life that every society has it’s myths about it and the magical creatures associated with it.
I will remember to conserve water today, and be grateful for the clean water I drink.
Blessings on the Water Angel.