Angel Pendants and co-dependants.
Angel jewellery can help us in a variety of ways, including co-dependancy.
Recently a client asked if I could recomend an Angel pendant to help her “let go” of an abusive relationship she had been in for a very long time. We talked about it, and I discovered that, although her partner was unfaithful on several occasions, she loved him, didnt want to split up their family hurting the children, and was determined to make their relationship work.
She decided she was going to change her instinctive feelings of hurt and jealousy, so that when her partner cheated on her she would be able to ignore or change her feelings, and carry on with the relationship as normal. She wanted to make herself accept his behaviour even though inside she felt devastated.
It took many years, but she was able to stop feeling hurt by his infidelities, and eventually did not feel jealous or hurt at all. It seemed as if her prayers were answered, because finally she could avoid all the fear and hurt; she was delighted that she had succeeded to overcome her feelings.
But, sadly for her, something else changed which she didnt expect. In conquering and controlling her feelings she found she had shut off a very important part of herself; her heart;… for this is what happens when we dismiss or de-value our most basic messages, our feelings.
I know for myself that sometimes my feelings don’t agree with my mind. My mind has such a big ego, it will tell me my feelings are silly, old fashioned or uncool; it wants to be in control and remain secure in its comfort zone. Mind is terrified of feelings, because being true to them requires courage and change.
This lady’s experience was an extreme example, but Angels can help us in these extreme cases, by giving us the courage to be true to our innermost selves and take the necessary steps to self care and ultimately to happy and fulfilling lives.
Many of our Angel necklaces speak to us of courage, truth and integrity. The Topaz Angel helps to steer us on through periods of doubt, the Rosé Quartz Angel helps us with self acceptance and forgiveness, and “letting go” of old habits and ways of thinking is the gentle way the Peridot Angel helps us.
Being stuck in painful emotional dramas is not what the Angels want for us. They want us to experience freedom and lightness of heart, true love, peace, health and financial abundance so that we can live in harmony with life, our friends, our families and ourselves. They always want the best for us and to experience the best that life can offer us.

Angel Pendants and co-dependants.

Angel jewellery can help us in a variety of ways, including co-dependency
Recently a client asked if I could recommend an Angel pendant to help her “let go” of an abusive relationship she had been in for a very long time. We talked about it, and I discovered that, although her partner was unfaithful to her all through a 28 year long marriage, she loved him, and didn’t want to split up their family, hurting the children.
She was determined to keep the family together and make their relationship work.
Instead she decided she was going to change her instinctive feelings, so that when her partner cheated on her she would be able to ignore or change her feelings of hurt and betrayal, and carry on with the relationship as normal. She wanted to be able to accept his behaviour even though inside she felt devastated.
It took many years, but she was able, finally, to stop feeling hurt by his infidelities, and eventually did not feel jealous or hurt at all. It seemed as if her prayers were answered, because finally she could avoid all the fear and hurt; she was surprised and relieved, as it seemed she had at last succeeded to change and overcome her feelings.
But, sadly for her, something else changed which she didnt expect. Without knowing it, in conquering and controlling her feelings, she had shut down a very important part of herself , her heart;… for this is what happens when we dismiss, de-value or deny those most basic messages, our feelings.
I know for myself, that sometimes my feelings don’t agree with my mind. My mind has such a big ego, it will tell me my feelings are silly, old fashioned or uncool; it wants to be in control and remain secure in its comfort zone. Mind is terrified of feelings, because being true to them requires courage and often requires change.
This lady’s experience was an extreme example, but Angels can help us in these extreme cases, by giving us the courage to be true to our innermost selves and take the necessary steps to self care, and ultimately to happy and fulfilling lives.
Many of our Angel necklaces speak to us of courage, truth and integrity.
The Topaz Angel helps to steer us on through periods of doubt.
The Rosé Quartz Angel helps us with self acceptance and forgiveness, and “letting go” of old habits and ways of thinking is the gentle way the Peridot Angel helps us.
Being stuck in painful emotional dramas is not what the Angels want for us. They want us to experience freedom and lightness of heart, true love, peace, health and financial abundance so that we can live in harmony with life, our friends, our families and ourselves. They always want the best for us and to experience the best that life can offer us.
Love, as always,