How Angels Help You To Believe In Yourself

 “We come spinning out of nothingness scattering stars like dust” ~ Rumi

23 Amazing Facts About You

  1. Deepak Chopra reminds us that an adult human body can think thoughts, and play a piano and digest food and kill germs and be growing a baby, and hypothesise a new philosophy all at the same time and besides all that can correlate these activities with each other whilst  monitoring the movement of stars and the circadian rhythms of the earth.
  2. And if this is not enough, every 13 seconds your body produces more cells than there are people in the United States.
  3. This is your body…You are even more magnificent than that.. and Angels are here to help us tap into the infinite wisdom of who you really are and why you really came here.Angel Necklace for self belief
  4. Getting here, onto planet earth I mean, was a miracle in itself. Can you remember how you got here?..because as far as I know there’s only one way in…
  5.  You start as a single cell in your mothers womb, and seconds after the big bang of conception you begin a rapid growth period from pure energy to becoming a physical being. Within minutes you’re expanding … and within days you have a heart and a brain..
  6. From the time of your physical conception to the time of your birth, you grow from one tiny cell into a baby with 26 billion cells.
  7. Contained in the nucleus of every one of your cells are the unique and intricate instructions of how to build you, and each cell knows exactly what to do and what the other cells are doing to make you.
  8. During the early months in vitro your brain cells multiplied at a rate of 250,000 every minute, and now, as an adult you have a thousand, trillion times more cells than when you began.
  9. Your capacity for such emotions as joy, happiness, fear, and shyness are already developed at birth. The specific type of nurturing you receive shapes how these emotions are developed.
  10. For a long time your life depended on people caring for you, nurturing, protecting and loving you. And then you went out, into the world, with all you had learnt, to care for yourself.
  11. You can choose to be a product  or a victim of your upbringing. Calling in your Angels will raise your consciousness to move into an expanded state of mind so that you can release toxic patterns and open to higher love for yourself.
  12. Brain images now reveal that a Mother’s love physically effects the size of our hippocampus, the part the brain region important for learning, memory and stress responses.
  13. At birth, a baby’s brain contains 100 billion neurons, roughly as many nerve cells as there are stars in the Milky Way
  14. You can best care for young children when you are cared for as well. Learn to cope with your stressors so that you can help your children learn too. Your child’s well-being depends on your health and well-being.
  15. Studies have shown that if a child is abused it can inhibit the development of the brain and can permanently affect brain development. Bring in the light of the higher realms and your Angels to help with old toxic patterns.
  16. More than 100,000 chemical reactions go on in your brain every second and you can direct them for your highest good.
  17. For you to speak a single word around a hundred different muscles must work together, and in a single millisecond hundreds of thousands of synapses fire in the brain so you can speak the word out loud.
  18. And your brain keeps track of your smiles, kind of like a smile scorecard. It knows how often you’ve smiled and which overall emotional state you are in.
  19. Research reveals that two hours of morning sun is very effective in lifting depression and bringing your most positive emotions to the fore.
  20. Our thoughts, our emotions, and our behavior all effect body chemistry. Wearing the Self Belief Angel Necklace below, can help you to act confidently and with self assurance.angel necklace for self-belief
  21. Scientists have discovered children’s cells living in their Mother’s brain – we are truly all one.
  22. Our diet contributes to our happiness. Poor eating habits, especially constant snacking on junk foods affects our mood, lowers our energy and our learning abilities and contributes to disease, while a high plant based organic diet expands our ability to awaken the higher self.
  23. You are a spiritual being and you have the power to change.The opportunity is here for you to expand your perspective. If your upbringing gave you the message you were not lovable you may find it difficult to believe in yourself but by connecting with your Angelic team, honouring yourself, loving yourself, keep reaching towards love and light, keep love in your heart will have a beautiful, incredible now and begin to create a different future full of confidence, self-belief and happiness.


Thank you everyone, to all the guides and Angels that are with us.

Lots of Love
