Silver Angel Pendant. Length 2.5″ with 5 cut Peridot.

Silver Peridot Angel Necklace, a nobel Gift of Joy and Hope.

The Angel Pendant Peridot helps us to let go with love, leave the past behind us, and move into a newer, brighter future.   Like Spring bursting with new growth, the lovely light green peridot gemstone imparts to the wearer the energy of its color and its season, bringing hope, vitality, re-generation, youthfulness and joy.

We often find difficulty in letting go and moving on. We hang on to old situations in our heads to no avail.   This can also apply to a person, a relationship or even a way of thinking.

Inner peace is in reach of everyone and the Angel Pendant with its beautiful peridot gemstones can help us let bygones be bygones, and move us forward with renewed energy and full of positivity.

Pendant comes with sterling silver chain and presented in our  beautiful  Angel Jewellery satin lined box with printout. Post worldwide.
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Price including worldwide shipping.

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