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Silver Angel pendants and Archangel necklaces have been my main design focus these past few years, mainly because the Angels never seem to leave me alone; I see them almost everywhere. Today I visited the church of St. Michael and all Angels, in the town of Northampton. Some of the more recent renovations and additions to the church show the work of a local glass engraver. Two larger than life angels, in Art Nouveau style, are etched into the glass doors leading into the nave of the church, their etherial nature enhanced by the magnificent stained glass windows behind them.


The church of St. Michael and all Angels itself stands on a small circular mound, not far from the town centre of Northampton. The streets around St. Michaels mount are peaceful, and lined with huge ornamental cherry trees, right now covered in pink and white blossom, giving the elevated building a beautiful soft haze when approached from the lower road.

I wonder at the association with St. Michaels Mount in Cornwall. Here though, instead of the waters of the channel lapping around its perimeter, swathes of cherry blossom will fall and scatter about sleepy streets in a week or two, leaving the church mound floating in a vast ocean of pink petals. I wont be there to witness the vision, but I imagine Archangel Michael and all the Angels will be.

Celebrating the connectedness of all beings.

