wings angel wings jewellery

Angel Wings And Why We Love Them

Why are we so attracted to wing imagery, especially wing jewellery?

Throughout history, wings have symbolized freedom, transcendence, and the human desire to soar beyond the mundane. The imagery of wings spans cultures and epochs, offering a rich tapestry of meanings and interpretations that highlight our eternal quest for liberation and enlightenment.

In ancient mythology, wings were often the province of gods and mythical creatures. The Greek god Hermes, with his winged sandals, served as the divine messenger, darting between the mortal and divine realms with effortless grace. His wings symbolized not only speed and mobility but also the transcendence of earthly limitations. Similarly, the Egyptian goddess Isis, depicted with grand, outstretched wings, embodied protection and motherly love, her wings a sanctuary for those under her care.

The myth of Icarus and Daedalus serves as a poignant reminder of the double-edged nature of wings. Daedalus, the master craftsman fashioned wings of feathers and wax to escape the labyrinthine prison of Crete. However, his son Icarus, intoxicated by the thrill of flight, soared too close to the sun, melting his wings and plunging him to his demise. This tale underscores the dual symbolism of wings: the exhilarating freedom they promise and the perilous consequences of hubris.

In the medieval and Renaissance periods, wings took on a more ethereal and spiritual significance. Angels, often depicted with magnificent wings, were seen as messengers of God, bridging the celestial and terrestrial. Their wings symbolized purity, divine intervention, and the hope of salvation. The Renaissance artist Raphael’s cherubs, with their delicate wings and innocent faces, conveyed a sense of heavenly peace and divine presence.

Moving into the modern era, wings have come to symbolize human innovation and the breaking of physical barriers. The Wright brothers’ pioneering flight in 1903 marked the dawn of aviation, turning the ancient dream of flight into reality. The airplane, with its metal wings, became a symbol of human ingenuity, progress, and the ability to conquer the skies. In contemporary literature and film, wings often signify the protagonist’s journey towards self-discovery and liberation, a metaphor for the transformative power of ambition and courage.

Wings also hold a special place in the realm of fantasy and imagination. From the dragon’s formidable wings in medieval lore to the graceful wings of J.K. Rowling’s Hippogriff in the Harry Potter series, they embody the wild, untamed spirit of the fantastical. In these stories, wings are more than mere appendages; they represent the boundless possibilities of the imagination, the allure of the unknown, and the courage to explore beyond the familiar.

Yet, beyond mythology, spirituality, and fantasy, we have come to understand that wings resonate on a deeply personal level. They symbolize the internal struggle and triumph of the human spirit. The concept of “finding one’s wings” is a universal metaphor for personal growth, self-empowerment, and the journey towards achieving one’s dreams. Whether it’s the aspiring artist breaking free from convention or the everyday individual overcoming adversity, wings epitomize the uplifting power of hope and determination.

In conclusion, the reason I strive to offer you such an extensive range of angel wing jewellery is because I believe the symbolism of wings through the ages reflects our intrinsic yearning for freedom, transcendence, and the pursuit of higher ideals. They remind us of the delicate balance between ambition and caution, the spiritual and the earthly, the imaginative and the real. Wings inspire us to dream, to strive, and to believe in the possibility of soaring beyond our limitations, capturing the essence of what it means to be human.

All best wishes

Linda. Angel Jewellery.