Does anyone you know argue, disagree or correct you every time you say something to them? It could be you make a passing comment about the weather, or express an opinion about a more serious matter, but after a while you soon realize that a conversation with this person is going nowhere fast, and it may even develop into an argument. No need to get upset, this is known as “blocking” and when you notice this happening, you may as well just stop, smile… and get on with your day.  There is no communication happening here. 

If this situation happens with a work colleague in a work context it can prove very difficult indeed to get any job done. There is a block which inhibits a flow of communication.

The Angels say that to diffuse and bring healing to situations such as these, first you must surround the person with pure light and then ask the Angels to bring the person all their hearts desires, be it love, health or wealth and just wish this person all the good in the universe.

Ask Archangel Michael to help you, and show you how to best deal with this situation. If you could take a little break away, in a quiet place, or go for a walk this helps.  Ask Archangel Michael for guidance and healing in your dealings with this particular person. Name the person. See the person again in pure light.  . You will be amazed how help will come and miracles happen when you simply ask. I know this works, try it and see.

Big Love
