Angel Jewellery wish all our wonderful friends and customers a very happy and fruitful New Year.

It is a special year we are entering now, as this is the thirteenth year of our new millennium.

Angels with new year messages send an outpouring of love, healing and abundance, but speak to us with a very special emphasis on self care. The Amethyst Angel Pendant and the Midnight Blue Lapis Lazuli Angel Necklace both help us to do this.

During 2013,  the Angels are asking us to look after ourselves, to keep the focus on ourselves, and to do the inner work, because this is the way of great healing.

For most of us who work in the healing professions this may be the single most effective action we will ever take to bring about positive change in the wellbeing of another, of our planet and ourselves….

It may seem like a paradox keeping the emphasis on oneself, indeed you may ask, how will this help anyone else? but the Angels are asking us to do this because they know that in order to be an effective healer we must first bring our own lives into balance and harmony.

By looking after our own bodies, our spiritual practices and our emotional selves is the way we help one another.

This is the way of all great teachers and healers.

“Before healing others heal yourself” ~Lao Tzu.

Love and blessings for the New Year, the New Age and the New World.


Angel Jewellery.