Angel and Goddess Jewelry. A Mothers Wish.

This year we celebrate in a magnificently renovated  Castle, idyllically set on the very edge of the Atlantic ocean. We gather on arrival to watch the first waves of the new year roll in as the fading winter sun draws the old year to a gradual close. Listening to the lonely cry`s  of gulls at the very edge of the western world I sense that all is as it should be, as it has always been.  Here in the dank darkness of December germinate the seeds of new life, and we honor the eternal spark residing in the womb of our great Mother, Earth. 

A gigantic turf fire glows in the hearth in hall of the Castle, for this is Yule, the winter Solstice festival of the Druids and we need light and heat, food and drink to invoke our magic. As soon as the family arrive the feasting begins. Babies at their mothers breast, sisters, brothers, cousins, friends and lovers eat, drink, laugh, cry and smile. Its the smiling that really gets me. As I look round the hall at the faces I notice we are all SMILING …beautiful.

What more could I possibly want.  Isn’t this every Mother`s wish.  Peace and happiness within her clan ?.

Remembering the inter-connectedness of all things,

Love, Peace and Prosperity for the New Year.
